Unleashing Science Across Every Classroom

With the Science Bus, students in primary and secondary schools can engage in hands-on experiences in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physiology and Alternative Energy

Unleashing Science Across Every Classroom

Science Education On The Go

Our Science Bus is equipped with a sink module, a center module and an optional side tablet holder or container module, which can be purchased separately, based on the specific needs of the classroom context.

These features not only enhance the mobility of the Science Bus, but also ensure versatility to efficiently address practical and spatial requirements.

Science Education On The Go

Hands on approach

Thanks to the Science Bus, students delve into the intricate principles of Acoustics, exploring the propagation of mechanical waves in the air, navigate the realms of Biology and Anatomy and unravel the complexities of Electricity through the construction of circuits with series and parallel resistors. They scrutinize foundational principles in Electromagnetism and Mechanics, probing levers, pulleys, inclined planes and more, and closely examine the principles in Optics, Thermodynamics, Chemistry and Alternative Energy.

A World of Discovery Awaits

The central module features glass doors secured with a key lock, housing an array of scientific kits and equipment essential for conducting diverse experiments in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Alternative Energy.

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A World of Discovery Awaits

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